Light magnitude 3.1 earthquake at 13 km depth

Detailed earthquake information - overview map, magnitude, time, depth, source, shake map, list of reports. File an "I felt it" report if you felt the quake! Features interactive map, read user ... ( read original story ...)

Light magnitude 3.2 earthquake at 2 km depth

Detailed earthquake information - overview map, magnitude, time, depth, source, shake map, list of reports. File an "I felt it" report if you felt the quake! Features interactive map, read user ... ( read original story ...)

Weak magnitude 2.8 earthquake at 26 km depth

Detailed earthquake information - overview map, magnitude, time, depth, source, shake map, list of reports. File an "I felt it" report if you felt the quake! Features interactive map, read user ... ( read original story ...)