British American Tobacco to test e-cigarette in Japan

TOKYO/LONDON (Reuters) - British American Tobacco PLC (BAT) plans to test a new tobacco-based cigarette alternative in Japan next month, it said on Tuesday, taking aim at Philip Morris International Inc's popular iQOS and Japan Tobacco Inc's Ploom ... ( read original story ...)

Japanese Journalist Detained in Iraq Released

A Japanese freelance journalist detained by local authorities in Iraq was released Monday after being suspected of being a member of the Islamic State group. Kosuke Tsuneoka was handed over by the authorities in the Kurdistan region in northern Iraq to the ... ( read original story ...)

Nissan's quarterly profit falls on weak Japan sales, yen

TOKYO -- Japanese automaker Nissan Motor Co. reported Monday that its profit fell 15 per cent in the July-September quarter. Strong sales in North America and China failed to make up for sluggish demand in Japan and a stronger yen. Profit in the last ... ( read original story ...)

The Latest: Kurds Deport Japanese Over Alleged IS Contacts

Japan's Kyodo News agency has previously said that Tsuneoka was a freelancer reporting on the battle to recapture the city of Mosul from the Islamic State group, and had been held by Kurdish military forces known as the peshmerga. 4 p.m. Iraqi officials ... ( read original story ...)

Why Japanese Banks Lack Deal Mojo

Struggling to make profits grow in their domestic lending businesses, Japan’s banks have languished. Add to their pain negative interest rates and meaty cost structures, and the future is visibly bleak. Yet, not much has been done about it. Bank stocks ... ( read original story ...)

Banking Technology November 2016 issue out now

In Japan we’ve got a consortium with a catchy title of “The Japan Bank Consortium to Centrally Provide Domestic and Cross-Border Payments”. It was set up earlier this year by Ripple and SBI Holdings and has recently opened its blockchain doors ... ( read original story ...)

Japanese Bank's MBS Suit Against JP Morgan Revived

Your article was successfully shared with the contacts you provided. A Japanese bank that filed eight lawsuits against multiple investment banks in 2013 over mortgage-backed securities saw one court victory last week, when an appellate court allowed its ... ( read original story ...)

Consumer prices in Japan fall for seventh straight month

Long stuck in a battle against deflation, signs are not good for the world’s third largest economy. There are calls for the Bank of Japan to push back their inflation target. Economic growth continues to falter in Japan as consumer prices fell in Japan ... ( read original story ...)

How Shinzo Abe plans to save Japan’s economy

In July, Shinzo Abe showed himself to be one of post-war Japan’s most successful and powerful politicians, as the Prime Minister of Japan once again claimed victory in the country’s upper house parliamentary elections. The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP ... ( read original story ...)

Dentsu offices raided amid overwork investigation

Raids were also carried out on offices in Osaka, Kyoto and Nagoya. The Tokyo offices have already been raided once, in October. The female employee who died last December had worked 105 hours of overtime in October 2015, and was suffering from severe ... ( read original story ...)

Iraqi authorities release detained Japanese journalist

TOKYO – A Japanese freelance journalist detained by local authorities in Iraq has been released after being suspected of being a member of the Islamic State group. Japan's Foreign Ministry says Kosuke Tsuneoka was handed over by the Iraqi authorities to ... ( read original story ...)

Japan authorities raid Dentsu in overwork suicide case

TOKYO (AP) — Japanese authorities raided the country's top advertising agency Dentsu on Monday as they launched a criminal investigation into the suicide of a 24-year-old employee due to overwork on suspicion of systematic illegal overtime at the company. ( read original story ...)