Autumn in Tokyo: a photo essay

The season arrived later than usual in the Japanese capital this year, but its foliage is particularly glorious — as seen in these specially commissioned snapshots taken earlier this week ... ( read original story ...)

K-pop star among 8 to join Japan tycoon Maezawa’s moon trip

Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa said Friday that K-pop star T.O.P. will be among the eight people who will join him on a flyby around the moon on a SpaceX spaceship next year. The Japanese tycoon launched plans for the lunar voyage in 2018, ( read original story ...)

Gauging the most expensive expat cities

Twice a year, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) publishes its “Worldwide Cost of Living Survey”. Asian cities typically feature high in the rankings, with Singapore tied with New York for the most ... ( read original story ...)