Light magnitude 4.1 earthquake at 46 km depth

Detailed earthquake information - overview map, magnitude, time, depth, source, shake map, list of reports. File an "I felt it" report if you felt the quake! Features interactive map, read user ... ( read original story ...)

Regulating Crypto-Currencies Across The Globe

In reality, without the Coindesk’s and Binance’s of the world crypto-currencies would not have grown to the extent that they have. That is where the regulators focus their attention. Venues for ... ( read original story ...)

60 days in Japan & Indonesia Itinerary

Part of a volcanic archipelago that encompasses over 6,800 islands, Japan remains one of Asia's most fascinating tourist destinations, where a blend of modernity and tradition creates a look and feel ... ( read original story ...)

Naomi Osaka Thinks You’re a Champion

Naomi Osaka is practicing more positive self-talk. The tennis champion posted a candid letter on social media, in which she reflected on the past year and her ongoing mental health journey. After ... ( read original story ...)