Bear shot dead after injuring four in Japan

Watch "Bear shot dead after injuring four people in Japan", a CBSN video on View more CBSN videos and watch CBSN, a live news stream featuring original CBS News reporting. ( read original story ...)

Pyae Lyan Aung seeks refuge in Japan

Myanmar’s goalkeeper is seeking political asylum in Japan after making a gesture of defiance against the country’s junta at an international football match.Pyae Lyan Aung raised a three-finger salute ... ( read original story ...)

Celebrating International Sushi Day with Yokohama

Today in the kitchen we had Chef Debbie of Yokohama in Greenwood. She treated the kitchen with many of their off the menu items and plenty of tasty sushi! Today Chef Debbie prepared a “Sushi Sundae” ... ( read original story ...)