The budgets were drawn up without the assumption that the government would declare a fresh state of emergency for the Tokyo area, CDP leader Yukio Edano said. ( read original story ...)
How COVID-19 has changed live events in Japan
While some live events have resumed, the arrival of artists and participants from overseas still may be a ways off. ( read original story ...)
In Japan, wider curbs heighten risk of double-dip recession
Japan is considering extending a state of emergency from the Tokyo metropolitan area to other regions as coronavirus cases increase, a move that could heighten the risk of a double-dip recession for ... ( read original story ...)
80% want Tokyo Games cancelled or delayed: Japanese survey
About 80% of people in Japan say this year's Tokyo Olympics should be cancelled or delayed as worries mount about a record surge in coronavirus cases across the country, a Kyodo News poll showed on ... ( read original story ...)
Support For Olympics Hits New Low In Japan: Poll
Support for holding the coronavirus-postponed Tokyo Olympics this summer has hit a new low in Japan, a poll found Sunday as the country battles a third wave of infections. Just over 80 percent of ... ( read original story ...)
New Coronavirus Variant Found in Travellers From Brazil: Japan Government
A new coronavirus variant was detected in four travellers from Brazil, Japan's Health Ministry said on Sunday, marking an advance in changes to the pandemic virus. The new variant is different from ... ( read original story ...)
The Japan Steel Works (OTCMKTS:JPSWY) Raised to “Hold” at ValuEngine
ValuEngine upgraded shares of The Japan Steel Works (OTCMKTS:JPSWY) from a sell rating to a hold rating in a report published on Thursday, ValuEngine reports. JPSWY stock opened at $16.32 on Thursday. ( read original story ...)
Light magnitude 4.4 earthquake 87 km southeast of Sendai, Japan
NIED reported a magnitude 4.4 quake in Japan near Sendai, Sendai Shi, Miyagi, only 10 minutes ago. The earthquake hit early afternoon on Sunday 10 January 2021 at 3:38 pm local time at a moderately ... ( read original story ...)
Research team in Japan sheds light on color change mechanism in hydrangeas
A Nagoya University research team has uncovered multiple elements that determine the color of hydrangea sepals, the parts of the plant that ... ( read original story ...)
Japanese pray for end to pandemic in annual ice bath ritual at Tokyo shrine
Men wearing traditional loin clothes and women dressed in white robes clapped and chanted before going into an ice water bath during a Shinto ritual at a Tokyo shrine on Sunday to purify the soul and ... ( read original story ...)
Olympics official says he is not certain Tokyo Games will go ahead
IOC’s Dick Pound voices concern after host city declared state of emergency due to third wave of coronavirus ... ( read original story ...)
Tokyo restaurant suppliers may get government aid as emergency measures bite
As Tokyo’s state of emergency compels restaurants to cut their business hours, suppliers may soon be eligible for financial aid, government sources said. Under the plan, up to ¥400,000 will be given ... ( read original story ...)
Nikkei 30,000 in Sight: Top Themes for Japan’s Stocks in 2021
With equity prices at the highest in 30 years, fiscal and monetary spigots turned to full and a potential end to the pandemic in the distance, Japanese stocks are enjoying something of a moment. ( read original story ...)
Vaccines holds the key for Olympics: Japan
Posted . Japan Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga believes vaccines hold the key for a safe Olympic Games this summer, but Tokyo ... ( read original story ...)
Japan hits fourth-straight record day of COVID-19 cases
(UPI) --Japan reported a record number of single-day COVID-19 cases for the fourth-straight day Saturday. The country reported 7,851 new COVID-19 cases on Friday, according to the health ministry. ( read original story ...)
Stay at a ninja trick house in Japan with hidden doors and passageways
Japan is filled with all sorts of unique accommodation options, ranging from capsule hotels with kittens and bunks hidden away inside bookshelves, to whole islands that can be reserved for private ... ( read original story ...)