Tokyo Fixing with Shinji Nohara

... would get busier than my main business but that’s what happened. Thornburgh: And now you’re the go-to guy for very elite-level food-fixing. There’s only one of you and there are thousands of resta... ( read original story ...)

Okinawa: Tokyo to overrule referendum on US base

Turnout was 52%. Okinawa governor Denny Tamaki, who was voted in on a promise to fight the relocation, urged the government in Tokyo to "accept the resolute intention" of voters and "immediately halt ... ( read original story ...)

Japan Nikkei falls on US-China trade deal optimism

Headline indices of the Japan share market closed at 10-week high on Monday, 25 February 2019, as investor sentiments bolstered amid trade optimism after U. S. President Donald Trump announced a postp... ( read original story ...)